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Σπρέυ σιλικόνης.400ml
Σπρέυ σιλικόνης.400mlΧρήση: Προστατεύει, μονώνει και χρησιμοποιείται στους μετασχηματιστές υψηλής τάσεως και σε άλλες εργασίες όπου απαιτείται υψηλό μονωτικό. Θερμοκρασία -50°C έως +200°C.|Insulates - protects - lubricates 400mlApplication:S prevents jump sparks on high voltage trans-formers, eliminates leakage currents, eliminates corona effects. S is suitable for use as a separating agent and insulating work in areas where the isolating film is not allowed to harden.Properties:Highly insulating with a breakdown strength of 12 KV/mm. S is unaffected by fluctuations in temperature between -50°C and +200°C. It will not dry out, repels water, thus it is also suitable as protection against moisture with non-conducting properties.
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